Monday, June 14, 2010

Ex-professional fails before the highest court

Cologne / Karlsruhe - Ralph Bany (44) was a professional footballer at Karlsruher SC. After conviction of the Cologne Regional Court, the man is not only a good football - but also an evil Sexferkel. Because he raped a dominatrix in Cologne, he was three and a half years in prison aufgebrummt.
After reports surfaced about his masochistic sexual practices. He wanted to ban, drew front of the Federal Constitutional Court. But the watschte from him on Thursday and strengthened instead of press freedom. "In recent reports on serious violent crime, the media should always call the name of the convicted offender," the constitutional judges.
After the decision of the first Chamber of the First Senate (Az: 1 BvR 1107/09) are crimes current events, their intermediary role of the press. Since were allowed back personality.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love letter to the offender

Düsseldorf -
"I miss you!" Wrote Jacqueline (22) via the Internet at their tormentors.
It was her ex, Benjamin H. (21) she niedergeprügelt taken hostage, and threatened her to kill her. The police ended with the hostage-taking shots.
On Thursday saw the former lovers back to court. Jacqueline (22), describes her night of fear: Because the jealous Benjamin lurked constantly in front of her door, which Ratingerin cried like four times to the police, asking urgently for help.
During the last call heard on the phone with officials, as Benjamin embarked on a stone with the balcony door and his girlfriend, who watched from the apartment fled, then up the street.
On Thursday, during the process of dramatic emergency call was played again: We hear desperate cries for help, muffled noise from the impact of the head on the pavement, finally only whimper of tortured victims. And then Benjamin's threat: "You called the cops. Before I go, I'll take you with me! I'll kill you! "
Officials at the other end of the phone were horrified. Police cars raced to the scene. There stretched the police the hostage taker with two shots nieder.Obwohl Jacqueline was seriously injured, she sent six weeks later, the love letter to the offender. Why? "What a feeling one can not simply push away. Today I have a bit of hatred against him. "The trial continues.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Investigators examine Immendorff image

Düsseldorf -
Real or not? A decade ago for 30,000 marks acquired Immendorff artwork is the time before the district court.
Now to the art of investigators from the Special Division of the Arts in LKA Baden-Wuerttemberg review the image with the name of "Ready-made de'histoire dans cafe de Flore" on heart and kidneys.
The owner, gallery owner himself, had bought the picture at that time, the wizard Immendorff in his studio. Along with certificate of authenticity. Nevertheless, say the "executor" of the artist and his widow Oda, the painting was a forgery. Oda Immendorff is therefore keen that the image is destroyed.
Jörg Immendorff Executors, who is currently compiling a list of works, has an interest, a glut of images of the artist to prevent. This course is also increasing its market value. Therefore, his expertise is not crucial.
In LKA Baden-Wuerttemberg, meanwhile, is known from in terms of art. The special department exists there already since 1969 in this area. The experts dealing with counterfeiting and the intelligence of art thefts.
The process continues around the image. But then in the new courthouse on Oberbilker market.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grab 96 Schmadtke away?

Düsseldorf - At 0-1 against Union Berlin, he sat on the grandstand, made copious notes to: Jörg Schmadtke.
The ex-goalkeeper 30 June was in Aachen under contract. Then he closes a return to his old love Fortuna is not enough.
But to the manager who led Alemannia in the Bundesliga, the Cup final and the UEFA Cup, also courting Bundesliga Hannover.
"We talk," operated Schmadtke, who is one of only two candidates. 96 coach Dieter Hecking: "I have worked with Aachen Jörg very well. But with the other solution I could live. "
This could be: to ex-Borusse Thomas gauge. The current Cologne Sharks CEO already met with Hannover boss Martin Kind.
Schmadtke is (probably) not to Fortuna, Supervisory Deputy Dr. Heinrich Pröpper goes. Supervision Councillor Dr. Dagmar Starke to the future of the opponent by the resignation of Dr. Reinhold Ernst: "Next week we will choose a new leader and a new deputy."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Double-kick after Völler

Sinsheim / Leverkusen - snow, blocking by accident on the highway at Heppenheim: When Patrick Helmes as his teammates on Saturday morning at half past three clock was finally at home, he was allowed to go to sleep happy.
Not the trip by bus, but the game and the 4-1 victory at Bayer, Hoffenheim> were so much to the taste of top-scorer, who celebrated after the final whistle with only the team and the nearly 3,000 trailers and then briefly Accompanying even out alone again thanked the fans for their support.
"Hoffenheim seems to lie, because the team offensively similar acts like us. We could have even two or three goals to achieve more. With luck, we had the shot completely, "the striker said boldly after the final whistle. In Sinsheim was the top scorer struck again, scored his season goals 14 and 15 and prepared the 2:0 yet. It will probably only be a matter of games, when he will replace the injured duration Hoffenheim Vedad Ibisevic (18 matches) at the top of the scorers.
Last Helmes had not proved this form: against Stuttgart and against Norway, he was weak. "We have clearly told him that he run for the team must be more" sporting director Rudi Voeller and coach Bruno Labbadia had taken the 24-year-olds last in prayer. "And in this game he is much, much more running and has been rewarded too," added Voeller. Labbadia also saw this: "Patrick is not a lurking striker, but one who because of his playing style has to be constantly in motion. He now has a lot of work for the team. This is me as important as the goals. Because when it comes to the conclusion that he has extraordinary abilities, know them all. "
"If we confirm this performance is, count on us to the forefront yet," said helmet. This is true not only for him in the scoring charts, but also for his team in the table.
More on bayer: Crazy Goal: Castro (1.70) skips Vorsah (1.96)! > Zdebel: advantage over Vidal>

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Muslim (18) "Moral beauty queen '

Riyadh - The Saudi Arab Riyadh on Thursday was a beauty contest to an end, when the adversaries were neither her body nor her face.
were bikinis or lipstick, it does not, instead, were the 274 veiled women tested for three months. The main points are: obedience to her family and society, and submission to Islamic law. We go to inner beauty, "said Khadra al Mubarak, the organizer of the election.
In the end, made the 18-year-old Aia Ali el Mulla the race. She gets paid for their victory around 900 € as well as jewelry and a trip to Malaysia. Correct beauty pageants are banned in Saudi Arabia.
Also: a natural child - Saudi princess receives asylum> Women (75) to prison and 40 lashes> eight year old sentenced requested Divorce - Process postponed>

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Loew kicker in the LTU Arena

Dusseldorf - The tale of the summer 2006 World Cup, football fans still have fond memories. This began on 31 May 2006, when the German national team before 42,000 supporters conducted a public training session at the LTU Arena.
After the best experiences in Dusseldorf (it's the attendance record was set for a workout), the kickers coach Joachim Loew will be before the two World Cup qualifiers against Russia and Wales (11th and 15th October), as briefly reported back to train with us. On 7 October rises from 15 clock close the program "DFB", in which can be reproduced as the fans with the World Cup trophy for women and men, and the DFB Cup. The team presents itself to 16.30 clock on the lawn.
Who wants to be the big Fanfest can secure free tickets now available at the following outlets: Tourist Information am Hauptbahnhof and in the old town and on the Fortuna office on Flinger Broich and the Football Association of the Lower Rhine at Duisburg.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thus the threat of relegation 99ers

Nördlingen - The Cologne 99ers rage unabated in the crisis. On Saturday night, losing the basketball-promoted Bundesliga club at the Giants Nördlingen 61:73 and collected at the same time broke the fifth in series. A horror-balance sheet!
With the exception of the first quarter, the team of Drasko Prodanovic remained below expectations, the league rookie of the 19,000-inhabitant town in Bavaria (from which, incidentally, is soccer legend Gerd Müller) catapulted the champion of 2006 from the hall.
Under the interim nine-point lead in Cologne, the home side turned in front of 2100 fans and walked a narrow lead into the break.
 99ers sports director Stephan Baeck: "After that has become widespread insecurity." In the second pass Cologne had only little to oppose. No reliance on the usually superior performance of the 99ers-supports Jamon Gordon and Jeremy Hunt.
 Gordon remained in the final too weak, had his fifth foul early addition of the pit. Mr Jeremy Hunt will continue in his abdominal muscle strain and was not driving just a few minutes on the field.
 Despite the 17th place and acute danger of relegation Stephan Baeck remains calm: "Over the past four weeks we have been able to train fully in any unit. This makes itself felt. We must now continue to fight! "

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Sharks make me proud! "

Cologne - It normally holds back discreetly in the background, followed the play of his Kölner Haie shielded in a box. But after the sovereign 4:1 against Mannheim and the entry into the semi-final held there principal shareholder Heinz-Hermann Göttsch no longer in his place.
He stormed down to the VIP room to toast with players and management. In the well-wishers here: Joe Gibbs, Europe, representatives of partner club Cologne and NHL champion Anaheim Ducks.
The joy was great, of course, because without the sharks Gottsch would not be what they are. In recent years he has invested an estimated € 30 million into the club.
The EXPRESS took the real estate mogul even a moment. The flash-interview with the proud patron of: Right click in the info box!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Only the finest spruce stolen

Meckenheim --
Rude awakening shortly before the festival. Common Christmas tree thieves have driven on the farm of Richard Frey (77) play themselves out. Overnight, 105 were "Northmen" away.
"For 30 years I have not experienced anything." Nursery patriarch Richard Frey stands stunned in the open warehouse - the crime scene. A week before Christmas was to usurp the coveted Christmas trees for him like a stab in the heart.
Three fully loaded trailer let the crooks are. The so-called B-ware, which means trees with small blemishes, they would not have. "They are deliberately gone off to my best pieces."
Each of the plants grew straight, about 2.5 meters tall and would have brought Frey 37.50 Euro.
The 105 pre-packed Nordmann fir dragging the thieves of loading on a dirt road. Their traces are clearly visible even in the frozen soil. The cops came off the 80-meter long track with Frey. "That must have been a number of guys. Probably they had a truck there. "
The company director steals a nasty suspicion. Is there a traitor in our own ranks? "It may be that one of my staff was involved or has passed on information. Rauskriegen how I want it? "
Frey has not given up hope. He wants to have back his trees and sell them before Christmas Eve. Make 2009 so many pine trees are sold as never before.
Anyone who has seen at night on Thursday in the Altendorfer Ahrstraße something to call him (02225/13838). There are 1000 Euro prize!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jeanette Biedermann busselt City Hall

If the ex still an ex? Popstar Jeanette Biedermann (28, "Run with me") did on the big media party "Off The Record" in Cologne's City Hall restaurant "Consilium" their emotions run wild - and busselte again tenderly with her longtime friend Jörg Weisselberg (34).
Both seemed to love is still difficult - and forget everything around you. Does the former "Sexiest Woman In The World", on which the FHM magazine has named her, love her hot comeback?
"With Joerg, I have definitely found the right person. We have talked many times about marriage, "she once confessed. Even kids wished they were from the robust bass player: "Only a son, a daughter."
In 2005, the award-winning singer came along with her bandmates, three and a half years they walked side by side, from gig to gig. A year ago, the official separation - and now the loving reunion in Cologne.
It took place at the concert of Weisselberg new band "Acoustic Diary" in the eyes of others Actress Liz Baffoe, presenter Andrew Dieck, BAP musicians Helmut Krumminga Talentprober Linus and a scene from, how they could stand straight in the script of their own telenovela "Anna und die Liebe": It seems hard to love and yearning glances Jeanette Biedermann adores her ex on stage, it later came the two pretty ones then in the City Hall courtyard very, very close. "We're a family," said Jeanette to EXPRESS. "I support him wherever I can. I came to Cologne, to show I'm here. "Jeanette and love - to be continued!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Angelina Jolie triff refugees in Iraq

how to make thick yoga mat sticky

BAGHDAD - Hollywood star Angelina Jolie (34) once again is doing good. The actress flew to Iraq to visit U.S. troops stationed there and a refugee camp.
For the third time she came as a special ambassador for the UN refugee agency UNHCR in the crisis area. "There are signs of improvement," said the Hollywood star after she had spoken with a displaced family.
Despite the relaxed situation Jolie appealed for more support for those displaced. "The Iraqis need more help to rebuild their lives", the Mega Star quoted.
A Hollywood star in the crisis area. Here's the video and picture gallery.
Also of interest
Angelina Jolie at short visit in Iraq

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lion: Complete run of bad luck!

Bonn - the fans of the Bonner SC are concerned about their club. When the lions ends losing streak? And who shoots against Elversberg the doors to leave the red lantern?
A classic false start: With two points from three games, the Lions are currently the Regionalliga last.
Coach Wolfgang Jerat brings to the point, what was poor: "The match lacked happiness." The hindsight: In the first game gets Leverkusen II (2:2) a questionable hand penalty, with a BSC-gate will be decided on the sidelines.
Is against Cologne II (0:1) Ercan Aydogmus placed in the penalty area. The Penalty will be given as little as a hit from Marco Quotschalla (in Worms, 0:0).
For bad luck with injury concerns coming to the referees. Against Worms lacking with Ercan Aydogmus (groin) and Dalibor Karnay (ankle), the two top scorers last season. You Ballert the BSC with 33 hits for the climb.
In midfield, the difficulty after a car accident injured Stephan Bork missing. Bork was 08.09 second-best template donors.
Jerat optimist believes that his team will start at home against the SV Elversberg on Friday (kick-off 18 clock). "Ercan is. We have a better offensive as it expresses the table. "
Also on the defensive on Friday comes a few. The Village Club is considered the best-endowed Saarland team, dismissed the arch-rivals from Saarbrücken 6:0. Jerat: "An experienced and robust force. A difficult game. "

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life imprisonment for "chatroom-killer"

Food - The so-called "chat room killer" has a lifetime behind bars: The judges of the District Court of Essen are convinced that the 27-year-old Christian G. from Hamburg Regina B. (was assassinated 39) from Marl.
In the second indictment, the murder of Jessica K. (26) from Stade, were the judges on Tuesday to take no definite findings on the cause of death because the corpse had decayed too much.
Christian G. had confessed to have killed two of his more than 300 Internet acquaintance in June 2008.
An intention to murder but he denied it. His tes ers victim Jessica is said to have the 27-year-old, who called the network "Riddick300" or "Rosenboy", hit and stabbed to death on a lonely meadow near Stade with a knife.
The defendant himself described the act as an accident. There had been a quarrel, and he wanted to reassure the woman and just push back. He had taken her to the neck. The court decided to intentional injury.
Even Regina B. (39) had met the "chat room" murder in the network - on the contact page For the murder of the woman from mid-June Marl told G., she had wanted money from him and threatened to accuse him of rape.
He had his chat acquaintance followed a walk to put them to task. As he stood before her, he had suddenly "seen the eyes of Jesus" in front of him: "You have led the knife."
The court will not be put off and decided to treacherous murder.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Green as a power-Joker

Food --
"In May we knock the biggest stone from the wall. Since Black-Yellow falls in Dusseldorf - because shaking the federal government. "Then swore Green leader Claudia Roth their party friends in Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia on the voting on the 9th May in North Rhine-Westphalia. The NRW Greens want to return to power.
A large majority of some 280 delegates of the congress decided in Essen that the Greens want to keep open after the election, several coalition possibilities. "The SPD is certainly our desire to partner," said Green parliamentary group chief and top candidate Sylvia Löhrmann.
Black and Green:
Governed for five years: Currently, without a majority. More uncertain.
If there is currently black and yellow. One option for the Greens. Alliance, however, open.
Currently, only the left-tolerance possible. Do not want the Greens.
Grand coalition of SPD and CDU, wants none currently.
Quite possible, but the Greens to raise the bar very high.
But an alliance of the left red-red-green and black and green are not excluded. A categorical rejection only the Greens issued a tripartite coalition with the CDU and FDP, and a toleration of the Left Party. According to surveys (see below), the ruling coalition of CDU and FDP currently has no majority.
The Greens may well be the tip the scales. Of black-green in the country associates, the Greens, however, conditions. "The CDU, which relies on coal and nuclear, deprived communities and maintains a selective education system can and will be a partner for us," said Löhrmann.
Black and green open to show the head of the Open Group in the Bundestag, Renate Künast: "Actually, we have the largest intersection with the SPD. But we can not wait for the SPD is then always sufficiently large. "

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fine Jewelry, Vesna D. lured into the trap

Dusseldorf --
This evening will be forgotten in Dusseldorf businessman Klaus H. (68) from Stuttgart before: In front of the Intercontinental at the Kings, he was robbed and lost jewelry valued at 600,000 euros. On Wednesday, he met the offender back to court.
The deal was sent over half a year had been contrived. A friend told about a man named "Kelian" at the jewelry shop. Looking for something quite Prestigious. Klaus H. hoping for big profits. Finally, the man stood before a millionaire from France. Again and again bugged by the customer. Finally, Klaus H. did the right thing: A necklace and rings for the wedding of the daughter.
The jewelry the jewelry dealer came to Dusseldorf. "I wanted to meet in a reputable hotel. Because of the security. At this level, there are usually security and surveillance cameras."
The choice fell on the Inter-Conti. But the handover was not a millionaire, but his "daughter". Vesna D. (34) had taken over the role. Your friend Diamond (so he had to say really) prepared the coup. Klaus H. was impressed by the woman: "She seemed confident - as the daughter of a wealthy family." Vesna D. scrambling "is waiting outside the couriers."
They lured the jewelry dealer in the door. Driven Tomislav P. (was 45). He was ordered to the victim bundles of money in a trunk show. However, only the top note in each case was five hundred, including chocolate was. Klaus H. Hardly had spotted the suitcase, P. snatched him the bag with the jewels. Vesna D. jumped into the car, and you stepped on the gas.
The jewelry arrived later at the instigators of the coup. He is up and away with the loot. Klaus H. but has to pay for the damage. He was not insured - the jewelry goods on consignment.
Vesna was sentenced to one year and three months, her accomplice to two years - each with probation.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Barcelona comes alive on the transfer market

Barcelona - While archrival Real Madrid with Kaka (65 million euros), Cristiano Ronaldo (93 million) and Karim Benzema (pledged 35 million) for a lot of money equal to three high-caliber, behaved Champions League winner FC Barcelona in the transfer market abnormally quiet. Until now.
For the Catalans took the Brazilian defender Maxwell (27) the first new signing from Inter Milan for next season under contract. However, from the perspective of Madrilenos, the super-bargain price: 4.5 million transfer fee to be charged.
Why was "Barca" so far so quiet on the player market? EM Torschützernkönig David Villa (Valencia) and Argentina's Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) will in fact be traded for some time. Even the name Franck Ribéry always still circulates in Barcelona. But so far nothing has happened. Is the tradition of association under the maxim "Never change a winning team"?
Not really, because Barcas charismatic coach "Pep" Guardiola was even willing to super-striker Samuel Eto'o to leave Manchester City. The deal just exploded because of the huge salary demands of Cameroon (10 million net) per year.
Now is there with Maxwell, the first new. The defender is also an alternative for Guardiola in the defensive midfield. He will certainly not be the last transfer this summer for FC Barcelona ...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

American Idol and Big Brother in a show

Friends of the demanding TV entertainment watch out, now it is very thick: Who was not sufficient to date the candidate-bashing in the American Idol-style and insights into the most private moments a la Big Brother, who can now look twice.
The two formats are simply merged and bear the title "If I Can Dream." Superstar contenders quite bluntly. Vocal samples in the shower. The rap battle at the breakfast table. Schmusesongs under the blanket. That is the concept of the new talent show from American Idol creator Simon Fuller.
And it gets even better: The TV people are not only doomed to watch, but it can take under the will of the creator of the show, and even to influence the people around and send messages via Twitter.
Initially, the project will start in the U.S. and will be transmitted on the Internet via live stream. In the video, the candidates are already available - and we can have practice time to play the big brother logs on.
Video entitled

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kuranyi - two goals against Bonner SC

Gelsenkirchen - Wednesday evening in Dusseldorf: About 40,000 spectators watching at the LTU Arena, the game of the national team against Norway. Kevin Kuranyi is not on the pitch.
He must have ran a day earlier. Tuesday evening at Schalke. Not arena, but half-torn Park Stadium, a kind of football ruin. Not 40,000 spectators, but around 30! 30 - not 30,000. What they want to see very hard in this horrible weather? The Schalke-Regionalliga amateurs - in the friendly against NRW Ligist Bonner SC. What a blast! Kuranyi and middle. Schalke in the starting lineup. Oh Kevin ...!
In the summer of 2008 is the 26-year-old still with Germany in the European Championship final, will substitute against Spain after all. But from there it goes steeply downhill. On 11 October, he is banished to the World Cup qualification game against Russia on the platform, frustrated refuge from the stadium. For Loew is clear: If he never plays Kuranyi.
And the club is no longer running a lot. On 15 Kuranyi in Leverkusen in November reached 1:2 thus achieving its ultimate goal of the season. In the weeks after, he becomes a symbol of Schalke crisis. Awards numerous scoring chances in deplorable ways. If niedergepfiffen by their own fans. Will in the winter break and flee at the club and go. Can not. Is currently only a substitute. And will pick up with the amateurs new confidence.
At 3:1-Test win against Bonner SC he meets, even twice Whether Kuranyi can rejoice?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

99ers push door wide open playoffs

Ovary - Turbo-Toby, thank! Cologne contributed 23 points for the US-Ami 81:78-Away (18:20, 19:19, 25:14, 19:25) in the ULEB Cup in the Portuguese flagship club at Ovarense Aerosoles, pushed open the door to the playoff games throughout wide open.
In the game had actually test match personality: defeat 350 visitors lost their way in the brand new hall, looked for it but a fighting selflessly home team. With the 99ers had their trouble!
After a balanced first half, put the Obradovic-from giant only in the third quarter and benefited from the serenity of their veterans Aleksandar Nadjfeji and Derrick Byars from the heavily ostentatious.
The usually quiet newcomer put his shyness off on the floor, left a fine impression. And always scored at the right time!
Discontinuation could the 99ers still do not. It was exciting until the end, until the final seconds of the first away win in European competition was perfect.
Coach Obradovic was delighted with the victory, the way how this was achieved, however, once coaxed him back critical words: "The late start (22 clock) has destroyed our rhythm, we have against a strong opponent simply not aggressive enough played, and our lives so unnecessarily difficult to make. "
99ers: Bailey (23), Idbihi (15), McElroy (14), Nadjfeji (11), Byars (11), Sinanovic (3), Bjelica (2), Nikagbatse (2)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Four years jail for arsonist

Bonn / Reichshof - The gardener, who lit his house and wanted to see the neighbors burn>: Anthony G. (51) must be four years behind bars for arson and a drug rehabilitation center. The court, however, refrained from a conviction for attempted murder.
Anton G. had on that 24th April gebechert vigorously, then plugged in its urban shelter paper and branches. Prior to his house, he made himself comfortable on his newly-bought TV. And from there he observed, laughing and grinning, as thick smoke poured from the front door.
"His motive was the dismal living conditions. The neglect he has caused himself." Udo Buhren, Presiding Judge of the court, brought in the verdict on the considerations of the chamber to drop the charge of attempted murder, to the point.
Not be excluded is that Anton G. trained only after the Zündeln the wish for the hated neighbor might burn. The fire department was able to prevent the spread of fire. The house of the neighbors, with which G. is at loggerheads for years, remained intact.
Anton G. has collected 24 previous convictions. The majority of the crimes of the native Austrian's have to do with his alcoholism. In 1998, he had already cashed jail for arson.
Even when he had infected his shelter. Judge Buhren: "When he was told the welfare office, he only get a new apartment, if the house burns down, he stuck it to standing still."