Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kuranyi - two goals against Bonner SC

Gelsenkirchen - Wednesday evening in Dusseldorf: About 40,000 spectators watching at the LTU Arena, the game of the national team against Norway. Kevin Kuranyi is not on the pitch.
He must have ran a day earlier. Tuesday evening at Schalke. Not arena, but half-torn Park Stadium, a kind of football ruin. Not 40,000 spectators, but around 30! 30 - not 30,000. What they want to see very hard in this horrible weather? The Schalke-Regionalliga amateurs - in the friendly against NRW Ligist Bonner SC. What a blast! Kuranyi and middle. Schalke in the starting lineup. Oh Kevin ...!
In the summer of 2008 is the 26-year-old still with Germany in the European Championship final, will substitute against Spain after all. But from there it goes steeply downhill. On 11 October, he is banished to the World Cup qualification game against Russia on the platform, frustrated refuge from the stadium. For Loew is clear: If he never plays Kuranyi.
And the club is no longer running a lot. On 15 Kuranyi in Leverkusen in November reached 1:2 thus achieving its ultimate goal of the season. In the weeks after, he becomes a symbol of Schalke crisis. Awards numerous scoring chances in deplorable ways. If niedergepfiffen by their own fans. Will in the winter break and flee at the club and go. Can not. Is currently only a substitute. And will pick up with the amateurs new confidence.
At 3:1-Test win against Bonner SC he meets, even twice Whether Kuranyi can rejoice?