Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.