Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fine Jewelry, Vesna D. lured into the trap

Dusseldorf --
This evening will be forgotten in Dusseldorf businessman Klaus H. (68) from Stuttgart before: In front of the Intercontinental at the Kings, he was robbed and lost jewelry valued at 600,000 euros. On Wednesday, he met the offender back to court.
The deal was sent over half a year had been contrived. A friend told about a man named "Kelian" at the jewelry shop. Looking for something quite Prestigious. Klaus H. hoping for big profits. Finally, the man stood before a millionaire from France. Again and again bugged by the customer. Finally, Klaus H. did the right thing: A necklace and rings for the wedding of the daughter.
The jewelry the jewelry dealer came to Dusseldorf. "I wanted to meet in a reputable hotel. Because of the security. At this level, there are usually security and surveillance cameras."
The choice fell on the Inter-Conti. But the handover was not a millionaire, but his "daughter". Vesna D. (34) had taken over the role. Your friend Diamond (so he had to say really) prepared the coup. Klaus H. was impressed by the woman: "She seemed confident - as the daughter of a wealthy family." Vesna D. scrambling "is waiting outside the couriers."
They lured the jewelry dealer in the door. Driven Tomislav P. (was 45). He was ordered to the victim bundles of money in a trunk show. However, only the top note in each case was five hundred, including chocolate was. Klaus H. Hardly had spotted the suitcase, P. snatched him the bag with the jewels. Vesna D. jumped into the car, and you stepped on the gas.
The jewelry arrived later at the instigators of the coup. He is up and away with the loot. Klaus H. but has to pay for the damage. He was not insured - the jewelry goods on consignment.
Vesna was sentenced to one year and three months, her accomplice to two years - each with probation.