Monday, May 3, 2010

Thus the threat of relegation 99ers

Nördlingen - The Cologne 99ers rage unabated in the crisis. On Saturday night, losing the basketball-promoted Bundesliga club at the Giants Nördlingen 61:73 and collected at the same time broke the fifth in series. A horror-balance sheet!
With the exception of the first quarter, the team of Drasko Prodanovic remained below expectations, the league rookie of the 19,000-inhabitant town in Bavaria (from which, incidentally, is soccer legend Gerd Müller) catapulted the champion of 2006 from the hall.
Under the interim nine-point lead in Cologne, the home side turned in front of 2100 fans and walked a narrow lead into the break.
 99ers sports director Stephan Baeck: "After that has become widespread insecurity." In the second pass Cologne had only little to oppose. No reliance on the usually superior performance of the 99ers-supports Jamon Gordon and Jeremy Hunt.
 Gordon remained in the final too weak, had his fifth foul early addition of the pit. Mr Jeremy Hunt will continue in his abdominal muscle strain and was not driving just a few minutes on the field.
 Despite the 17th place and acute danger of relegation Stephan Baeck remains calm: "Over the past four weeks we have been able to train fully in any unit. This makes itself felt. We must now continue to fight! "