Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love letter to the offender

Düsseldorf -
"I miss you!" Wrote Jacqueline (22) via the Internet at their tormentors.
It was her ex, Benjamin H. (21) she niedergeprügelt taken hostage, and threatened her to kill her. The police ended with the hostage-taking shots.
On Thursday saw the former lovers back to court. Jacqueline (22), describes her night of fear: Because the jealous Benjamin lurked constantly in front of her door, which Ratingerin cried like four times to the police, asking urgently for help.
During the last call heard on the phone with officials, as Benjamin embarked on a stone with the balcony door and his girlfriend, who watched from the apartment fled, then up the street.
On Thursday, during the process of dramatic emergency call was played again: We hear desperate cries for help, muffled noise from the impact of the head on the pavement, finally only whimper of tortured victims. And then Benjamin's threat: "You called the cops. Before I go, I'll take you with me! I'll kill you! "
Officials at the other end of the phone were horrified. Police cars raced to the scene. There stretched the police the hostage taker with two shots nieder.Obwohl Jacqueline was seriously injured, she sent six weeks later, the love letter to the offender. Why? "What a feeling one can not simply push away. Today I have a bit of hatred against him. "The trial continues.