Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kuranyi - two goals against Bonner SC

Gelsenkirchen - Wednesday evening in Dusseldorf: About 40,000 spectators watching at the LTU Arena, the game of the national team against Norway. Kevin Kuranyi is not on the pitch.
He must have ran a day earlier. Tuesday evening at Schalke. Not arena, but half-torn Park Stadium, a kind of football ruin. Not 40,000 spectators, but around 30! 30 - not 30,000. What they want to see very hard in this horrible weather? The Schalke-Regionalliga amateurs - in the friendly against NRW Ligist Bonner SC. What a blast! Kuranyi and middle. Schalke in the starting lineup. Oh Kevin ...!
In the summer of 2008 is the 26-year-old still with Germany in the European Championship final, will substitute against Spain after all. But from there it goes steeply downhill. On 11 October, he is banished to the World Cup qualification game against Russia on the platform, frustrated refuge from the stadium. For Loew is clear: If he never plays Kuranyi.
And the club is no longer running a lot. On 15 Kuranyi in Leverkusen in November reached 1:2 thus achieving its ultimate goal of the season. In the weeks after, he becomes a symbol of Schalke crisis. Awards numerous scoring chances in deplorable ways. If niedergepfiffen by their own fans. Will in the winter break and flee at the club and go. Can not. Is currently only a substitute. And will pick up with the amateurs new confidence.
At 3:1-Test win against Bonner SC he meets, even twice Whether Kuranyi can rejoice?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Little Fingers - Big trouble

Dusseldorf - "Dangerous? The "little finger" but no ticking bomb "that rages artist Tim Eiag (63). LEG sees it differently: Because she thought the unsecured stone sculpture in the courtyard of Salzmannbaus a danger, they shut up the "little finger" is turned into the basement.
Strictly speaking, the "little finger" is anything but small: The sculpture is a proud 130 centimeters tall, weighs 600 kilograms - and currently provides powerful anger in Bilk.
Before Eiag drove in the spring for three months to the Danube, he stored the artwork (estimated value of 140,000 euros) in the courtyard of the Salzmannbaus. On a truck, ready for transportation to an exhibition. When he returned to Dusseldorf, the finger was trapped in the basement. "For that I had a hefty bill from the LEG for removal and storage in the mailbox," the indignant lather artists. "An outrage. First, I burst this issue and secondly, I get the finger alone is not into the light - it's too heavy. "
LEG is aware of no guilt, "Eiag should have put his finger on a foundation. This was on the wagon a very shaky affair, "says the caretaker, who holds the key to the cellar.
Eiag has now fed up, looking for a new home for his art - and get support from cultural circles: Karl-Heinz Theisen, president of the Heine-circle, has offered to grant asylum to the finger.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

99ers push door wide open playoffs

Ovary - Turbo-Toby, thank! Cologne contributed 23 points for the US-Ami 81:78-Away (18:20, 19:19, 25:14, 19:25) in the ULEB Cup in the Portuguese flagship club at Ovarense Aerosoles, pushed open the door to the playoff games throughout wide open.
In the game had actually test match personality: defeat 350 visitors lost their way in the brand new hall, looked for it but a fighting selflessly home team. With the 99ers had their trouble!
After a balanced first half, put the Obradovic-from giant only in the third quarter and benefited from the serenity of their veterans Aleksandar Nadjfeji and Derrick Byars from the heavily ostentatious.
The usually quiet newcomer put his shyness off on the floor, left a fine impression. And always scored at the right time!
Discontinuation could the 99ers still do not. It was exciting until the end, until the final seconds of the first away win in European competition was perfect.
Coach Obradovic was delighted with the victory, the way how this was achieved, however, once coaxed him back critical words: "The late start (22 clock) has destroyed our rhythm, we have against a strong opponent simply not aggressive enough played, and our lives so unnecessarily difficult to make. "
99ers: Bailey (23), Idbihi (15), McElroy (14), Nadjfeji (11), Byars (11), Sinanovic (3), Bjelica (2), Nikagbatse (2)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Four years jail for arsonist

Bonn / Reichshof - The gardener, who lit his house and wanted to see the neighbors burn>: Anthony G. (51) must be four years behind bars for arson and a drug rehabilitation center. The court, however, refrained from a conviction for attempted murder.
Anton G. had on that 24th April gebechert vigorously, then plugged in its urban shelter paper and branches. Prior to his house, he made himself comfortable on his newly-bought TV. And from there he observed, laughing and grinning, as thick smoke poured from the front door.
"His motive was the dismal living conditions. The neglect he has caused himself." Udo Buhren, Presiding Judge of the court, brought in the verdict on the considerations of the chamber to drop the charge of attempted murder, to the point.
Not be excluded is that Anton G. trained only after the Zündeln the wish for the hated neighbor might burn. The fire department was able to prevent the spread of fire. The house of the neighbors, with which G. is at loggerheads for years, remained intact.
Anton G. has collected 24 previous convictions. The majority of the crimes of the native Austrian's have to do with his alcoholism. In 1998, he had already cashed jail for arson.
Even when he had infected his shelter. Judge Buhren: "When he was told the welfare office, he only get a new apartment, if the house burns down, he stuck it to standing still."