Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grab 96 Schmadtke away?

Düsseldorf - At 0-1 against Union Berlin, he sat on the grandstand, made copious notes to: Jörg Schmadtke.
The ex-goalkeeper 30 June was in Aachen under contract. Then he closes a return to his old love Fortuna is not enough.
But to the manager who led Alemannia in the Bundesliga, the Cup final and the UEFA Cup, also courting Bundesliga Hannover.
"We talk," operated Schmadtke, who is one of only two candidates. 96 coach Dieter Hecking: "I have worked with Aachen Jörg very well. But with the other solution I could live. "
This could be: to ex-Borusse Thomas gauge. The current Cologne Sharks CEO already met with Hannover boss Martin Kind.
Schmadtke is (probably) not to Fortuna, Supervisory Deputy Dr. Heinrich Pröpper goes. Supervision Councillor Dr. Dagmar Starke to the future of the opponent by the resignation of Dr. Reinhold Ernst: "Next week we will choose a new leader and a new deputy."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Double-kick after Völler

Sinsheim / Leverkusen - snow, blocking by accident on the highway at Heppenheim: When Patrick Helmes as his teammates on Saturday morning at half past three clock was finally at home, he was allowed to go to sleep happy.
Not the trip by bus, but the game and the 4-1 victory at Bayer, Hoffenheim> were so much to the taste of top-scorer, who celebrated after the final whistle with only the team and the nearly 3,000 trailers and then briefly Accompanying even out alone again thanked the fans for their support.
"Hoffenheim seems to lie, because the team offensively similar acts like us. We could have even two or three goals to achieve more. With luck, we had the shot completely, "the striker said boldly after the final whistle. In Sinsheim was the top scorer struck again, scored his season goals 14 and 15 and prepared the 2:0 yet. It will probably only be a matter of games, when he will replace the injured duration Hoffenheim Vedad Ibisevic (18 matches) at the top of the scorers.
Last Helmes had not proved this form: against Stuttgart and against Norway, he was weak. "We have clearly told him that he run for the team must be more" sporting director Rudi Voeller and coach Bruno Labbadia had taken the 24-year-olds last in prayer. "And in this game he is much, much more running and has been rewarded too," added Voeller. Labbadia also saw this: "Patrick is not a lurking striker, but one who because of his playing style has to be constantly in motion. He now has a lot of work for the team. This is me as important as the goals. Because when it comes to the conclusion that he has extraordinary abilities, know them all. "
"If we confirm this performance is, count on us to the forefront yet," said helmet. This is true not only for him in the scoring charts, but also for his team in the table.
More on bayer: Crazy Goal: Castro (1.70) skips Vorsah (1.96)! > Zdebel: advantage over Vidal>

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Muslim (18) "Moral beauty queen '

Riyadh - The Saudi Arab Riyadh on Thursday was a beauty contest to an end, when the adversaries were neither her body nor her face.
were bikinis or lipstick, it does not, instead, were the 274 veiled women tested for three months. The main points are: obedience to her family and society, and submission to Islamic law. We go to inner beauty, "said Khadra al Mubarak, the organizer of the election.
In the end, made the 18-year-old Aia Ali el Mulla the race. She gets paid for their victory around 900 € as well as jewelry and a trip to Malaysia. Correct beauty pageants are banned in Saudi Arabia.
Also: a natural child - Saudi princess receives asylum> Women (75) to prison and 40 lashes> eight year old sentenced requested Divorce - Process postponed>

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Loew kicker in the LTU Arena

Dusseldorf - The tale of the summer 2006 World Cup, football fans still have fond memories. This began on 31 May 2006, when the German national team before 42,000 supporters conducted a public training session at the LTU Arena.
After the best experiences in Dusseldorf (it's the attendance record was set for a workout), the kickers coach Joachim Loew will be before the two World Cup qualifiers against Russia and Wales (11th and 15th October), as briefly reported back to train with us. On 7 October rises from 15 clock close the program "DFB", in which can be reproduced as the fans with the World Cup trophy for women and men, and the DFB Cup. The team presents itself to 16.30 clock on the lawn.
Who wants to be the big Fanfest can secure free tickets now available at the following outlets: Tourist Information am Hauptbahnhof and in the old town and on the Fortuna office on Flinger Broich and the Football Association of the Lower Rhine at Duisburg.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thus the threat of relegation 99ers

Nördlingen - The Cologne 99ers rage unabated in the crisis. On Saturday night, losing the basketball-promoted Bundesliga club at the Giants Nördlingen 61:73 and collected at the same time broke the fifth in series. A horror-balance sheet!
With the exception of the first quarter, the team of Drasko Prodanovic remained below expectations, the league rookie of the 19,000-inhabitant town in Bavaria (from which, incidentally, is soccer legend Gerd Müller) catapulted the champion of 2006 from the hall.
Under the interim nine-point lead in Cologne, the home side turned in front of 2100 fans and walked a narrow lead into the break.
 99ers sports director Stephan Baeck: "After that has become widespread insecurity." In the second pass Cologne had only little to oppose. No reliance on the usually superior performance of the 99ers-supports Jamon Gordon and Jeremy Hunt.
 Gordon remained in the final too weak, had his fifth foul early addition of the pit. Mr Jeremy Hunt will continue in his abdominal muscle strain and was not driving just a few minutes on the field.
 Despite the 17th place and acute danger of relegation Stephan Baeck remains calm: "Over the past four weeks we have been able to train fully in any unit. This makes itself felt. We must now continue to fight! "