Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life imprisonment for "chatroom-killer"

Food - The so-called "chat room killer" has a lifetime behind bars: The judges of the District Court of Essen are convinced that the 27-year-old Christian G. from Hamburg Regina B. (was assassinated 39) from Marl.
In the second indictment, the murder of Jessica K. (26) from Stade, were the judges on Tuesday to take no definite findings on the cause of death because the corpse had decayed too much.
Christian G. had confessed to have killed two of his more than 300 Internet acquaintance in June 2008.
An intention to murder but he denied it. His tes ers victim Jessica is said to have the 27-year-old, who called the network "Riddick300" or "Rosenboy", hit and stabbed to death on a lonely meadow near Stade with a knife.
The defendant himself described the act as an accident. There had been a quarrel, and he wanted to reassure the woman and just push back. He had taken her to the neck. The court decided to intentional injury.
Even Regina B. (39) had met the "chat room" murder in the network - on the contact page knuddels.de. For the murder of the woman from mid-June Marl told G., she had wanted money from him and threatened to accuse him of rape.
He had his chat acquaintance followed a walk to put them to task. As he stood before her, he had suddenly "seen the eyes of Jesus" in front of him: "You have led the knife."
The court will not be put off and decided to treacherous murder.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Green as a power-Joker

Food --
"In May we knock the biggest stone from the wall. Since Black-Yellow falls in Dusseldorf - because shaking the federal government. "Then swore Green leader Claudia Roth their party friends in Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia on the voting on the 9th May in North Rhine-Westphalia. The NRW Greens want to return to power.
A large majority of some 280 delegates of the congress decided in Essen that the Greens want to keep open after the election, several coalition possibilities. "The SPD is certainly our desire to partner," said Green parliamentary group chief and top candidate Sylvia Löhrmann.
Black and Green:
Governed for five years: Currently, without a majority. More uncertain.
If there is currently black and yellow. One option for the Greens. Alliance, however, open.
Currently, only the left-tolerance possible. Do not want the Greens.
Grand coalition of SPD and CDU, wants none currently.
Quite possible, but the Greens to raise the bar very high.
But an alliance of the left red-red-green and black and green are not excluded. A categorical rejection only the Greens issued a tripartite coalition with the CDU and FDP, and a toleration of the Left Party. According to surveys (see below), the ruling coalition of CDU and FDP currently has no majority.
The Greens may well be the tip the scales. Of black-green in the country associates, the Greens, however, conditions. "The CDU, which relies on coal and nuclear, deprived communities and maintains a selective education system can and will be a partner for us," said Löhrmann.
Black and green open to show the head of the Open Group in the Bundestag, Renate Künast: "Actually, we have the largest intersection with the SPD. But we can not wait for the SPD is then always sufficiently large. "

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fine Jewelry, Vesna D. lured into the trap

Dusseldorf --
This evening will be forgotten in Dusseldorf businessman Klaus H. (68) from Stuttgart before: In front of the Intercontinental at the Kings, he was robbed and lost jewelry valued at 600,000 euros. On Wednesday, he met the offender back to court.
The deal was sent over half a year had been contrived. A friend told about a man named "Kelian" at the jewelry shop. Looking for something quite Prestigious. Klaus H. hoping for big profits. Finally, the man stood before a millionaire from France. Again and again bugged by the customer. Finally, Klaus H. did the right thing: A necklace and rings for the wedding of the daughter.
The jewelry the jewelry dealer came to Dusseldorf. "I wanted to meet in a reputable hotel. Because of the security. At this level, there are usually security and surveillance cameras."
The choice fell on the Inter-Conti. But the handover was not a millionaire, but his "daughter". Vesna D. (34) had taken over the role. Your friend Diamond (so he had to say really) prepared the coup. Klaus H. was impressed by the woman: "She seemed confident - as the daughter of a wealthy family." Vesna D. scrambling "is waiting outside the couriers."
They lured the jewelry dealer in the door. Driven Tomislav P. (was 45). He was ordered to the victim bundles of money in a trunk show. However, only the top note in each case was five hundred, including chocolate was. Klaus H. Hardly had spotted the suitcase, P. snatched him the bag with the jewels. Vesna D. jumped into the car, and you stepped on the gas.
The jewelry arrived later at the instigators of the coup. He is up and away with the loot. Klaus H. but has to pay for the damage. He was not insured - the jewelry goods on consignment.
Vesna was sentenced to one year and three months, her accomplice to two years - each with probation.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Barcelona comes alive on the transfer market

Barcelona - While archrival Real Madrid with Kaka (65 million euros), Cristiano Ronaldo (93 million) and Karim Benzema (pledged 35 million) for a lot of money equal to three high-caliber, behaved Champions League winner FC Barcelona in the transfer market abnormally quiet. Until now.
For the Catalans took the Brazilian defender Maxwell (27) the first new signing from Inter Milan for next season under contract. However, from the perspective of Madrilenos, the super-bargain price: 4.5 million transfer fee to be charged.
Why was "Barca" so far so quiet on the player market? EM Torschützernkönig David Villa (Valencia) and Argentina's Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) will in fact be traded for some time. Even the name Franck Ribéry always still circulates in Barcelona. But so far nothing has happened. Is the tradition of association under the maxim "Never change a winning team"?
Not really, because Barcas charismatic coach "Pep" Guardiola was even willing to super-striker Samuel Eto'o to leave Manchester City. The deal just exploded because of the huge salary demands of Cameroon (10 million net) per year.
Now is there with Maxwell, the first new. The defender is also an alternative for Guardiola in the defensive midfield. He will certainly not be the last transfer this summer for FC Barcelona ...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

American Idol and Big Brother in a show

Friends of the demanding TV entertainment watch out, now it is very thick: Who was not sufficient to date the candidate-bashing in the American Idol-style and insights into the most private moments a la Big Brother, who can now look twice.
The two formats are simply merged and bear the title "If I Can Dream." Superstar contenders quite bluntly. Vocal samples in the shower. The rap battle at the breakfast table. Schmusesongs under the blanket. That is the concept of the new talent show from American Idol creator Simon Fuller.
And it gets even better: The TV people are not only doomed to watch, but it can take under the will of the creator of the show, and even to influence the people around and send messages via Twitter.
Initially, the project will start in the U.S. and will be transmitted on the Internet via live stream. In the video, the candidates are already available - and we can have practice time to play the big brother logs on.
Video entitled